Drivers »

Jens Winther

--- 1972 DM

--- 1983 Le Mans

--- 1984 Le Mans

--- 1985 Le Mans

--- 1986 Le Mans

The Car »

Type: URD C83 - BMW
Drivers: Jens Winther, Margie Smith-Haas, David Mercer
Race: 1985 24h Le Mans
Result: Retired


In 1985 Jens Winther entered a C2 prototype for Le Mans. The car was new, but the engine was still the same BMW as the engine in the BMW M1, Jens Winther had driven previously.

The URD had a reputation for being fragile, but Jens Winthers small team had prepared it well and everything went well until the engine expired during the night.

The Kit »

Manufacturer: MiniRacing
Model ID: 0128

The kit can be built as the racer from LeMans 1985 and LeMans 1986. © 2007